Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Infertilitly Awareness Week

What a ride
Long and hard
Trying and trusting

Full of heart break
Tears and sleepless nights
Support and love

Staying strong for me
Staying strong for him
Working together

Inside of me
aching for another
A sibling for Mason
An angel from Heaven

I'm longing for you
Sweet chubby cheeks
Little baby talk
All of the "firsts"

But I thank Heavenly Father
I have a miracle child
At least 4 more
I can't wait to meet

I will fight
I will do my best
I know it will happen

Prayers are heard
We are one day closer
One more day behind us

You are mine
Please come soon
I love you already


Alan said...

Wow!! You impress me everyday!!

Jared and Allyson said...

So sweet! You're amazing! If you ever need to talk, please feel free to give me a call. It's such a rough road to be on and I want you to know you aren't alone. Sending hope and prayers your way. Love you guys!

Andrea said...

Aleca, thinking of you and Alan and Mason! What great faith and hope. Keep it up!