Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Infertilitly Awareness Week

What a ride
Long and hard
Trying and trusting

Full of heart break
Tears and sleepless nights
Support and love

Staying strong for me
Staying strong for him
Working together

Inside of me
aching for another
A sibling for Mason
An angel from Heaven

I'm longing for you
Sweet chubby cheeks
Little baby talk
All of the "firsts"

But I thank Heavenly Father
I have a miracle child
At least 4 more
I can't wait to meet

I will fight
I will do my best
I know it will happen

Prayers are heard
We are one day closer
One more day behind us

You are mine
Please come soon
I love you already

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Becoming Better

I LOVE Visiting Teaching. I have 3 amazing girls that I get to see and teach. I haven't been called as a Visiting Teacher since the first 3 months of our marriage (5 years ago!!!!) At first I was glad not to be one because we moved so many times and I hate getting so close to some one and then leaving. But after a while I felt a loss. That I needed to be one. After being in my ward for over a year and a half I went to the Relief Society President and asked her if she would make me one. And I was called with in the month. I was set with a single girl in our ward with a crazy busy life. So I have found that most of the time I am the one to take care of it, even if that means I go alone. But I love it. I have gotten to know these 3 women who I never would have. I receive a sense of fulfillment that I haven't before. And this month was the perfect lesson to make it even better. Here are the things you should do as a VT...

•Pray daily for her and her family.
•Seek inspiration to know her and her family.
•Visit her regularly to learn how she is doing and to comfort and strengthen her.
•Stay in frequent contact through visits, phone calls, letters, e-mail, text messages, and simple acts of kindness.
•Greet her at Church meetings.
•Help her when she has an emergency, illness, or other urgent need.
•Teach her the gospel from the scriptures and the Visiting Teaching Messages.
•Inspire her by setting a good example.
•Report to a Relief Society leader about their service and the sister’s spiritual and temporal well-being.

All of these things are so easy to do and work towards if you really want to do what to get to know your girls. What a better way then through the Spirit!


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lets Make A Deal

When Alan and I got married (5 years ago May 4th) I weighed 117lbs. Which was pretty normal for me since I stopped dancing. One birth control shot and 3 months later I was 140lbs. NOT normal for me. That was too much weight too fast. I went from a size 2 to a size 8. Not really what a girl wants to see happen. That extra weight has stuck by me. And it seems that I'm its best friend. So Alan made me a deal. If I get down to my goal weight (120) by June 1st I get $200 to get new clothes, DEAL! Or if I get prego by then I also get $200 to get maternity clothes (I borrowed all of mine from a great friend for my first pregnancy). Deal!
This morning I woke up and the scale said 127!!!! Say what?! Yep thats right 127! I haven't seen that number in almost 5 years! Why all the exclamation points? BECAUSE I'M SOOO FREAKIN EXCITED!!!!!! I didn't believe it myself. I just stood there staring at the scale until the numbers disappeared. What a beautiful number