Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!

For my birthday we decided to go to my cousin Jana and Scott's house in Nevada. Our plans were for me to pack while alan was at work and he would get home around 5 and we would get the heck out of dodge! oh but no alan got stuck at work and didn't get home until flippin 11:00! So mason was already asleep and he had been crying all day I'm assuming from being sick the last few days so I didn't get much packing done at all. Needless to say we didn't get the heck out of dodge until about 1 in the am... Just so you know its a 5 hour drive. So not only was I driving and every one was sleeping it started snowing, hard. For most of the time I was driving I couldn't see 5 ft ahead of me. After I had been driving for 2.5 hours I pulled over to have alan drive. We looked at the GPS and it said we still had 5 more hours! How does that work you ask? It means I drove 2 hours and got NO WHERE! I was going 30 most of the way because it was snowing so hard and the roads were white. We got there at 6 am on my birthday and slept for a few hours before getting up for the day.
Alan was amazing, he did so great for my gifts. All through out the day he would hand me a gift wrapped up in my favorite blanket. They all had to do with hobbies of mine. I got a scrap booking book of 601 pages of ideas, beginners crochet book, the last 2 Fablehaven books, I know this may sound odd but I loved it, a cigaret lighter for my car to replace the one that was taken.
My cousin Jana and I painted each others toes. She does such an awesome job! She always does all the girls toes when she comes out to visit. Hers are the ones with the black flowers and mine are the pink. And of course baby M wanted to model his as well.

The next day we went and saw Bounty Hunter and went out to eat at a pizza place. It was the first movie baby M has been too. For the most part he wasn't bad. He sat in his car seat and stared at the big screen sitting in his own chair. The pizza was super yummy. We laughed almost the whole time; it was either some one had something on their nose, pointy ears, or looked like a elf. Even the waitress decided to join in on the poking fun. To end the night we watched Avatar. LOVE IT !!! It was alan's first time seeing it. I can't wait to see it in blue ray!
Sunday was great and relaxing. In church Jana taught the RS lesson and did an amazing job. It was the best lesson I have had in a long time. We had amazing grilled hamburgers and got to chat the day away. And of course I got a quick motorcycle ride in thanks to scott! He knows what makes me have a permagrin.
What a great trip!! Thanks Scott and Jana for letting us stay there and get away for a mini vacation. Love you!


Mandy said...

Sounds like tons of fun!

Blair and Cindy said...

Sounds like you had a lot of fun...other than the LONG drive. :) But I can't believe you didn't go to the TDU! ;) Well, glad you had a great birthday!

Keli and Mike said...

I'm glad you made it there safe and had a fun time! Happy Birthday!!

SOVEREEN'S :) said...

Love the toes! I love the man toes too:)

Jana and Scott said...

We loved having you down here with us. Can't wait to see you guys again. love you tuns.