Wednesday, April 21, 2010

You want a good laugh?

How I came across this lovely invention..... I was looking at what a crochet needle looked like for some patterns that I just bought. And here she was. BA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!! Sorry but if I saw this out in public I would not be able to contain myself! I'm already in tears thinking to myself...... Good thing your face is hidden. It is 1:03 in the morning so of course I will pretty much laugh at anything but I think no matter what this is funny! BA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA


Shannon said...

What exactly is its purpose?

Misty said...

Oh my goodness. Is it like a Snuggie for bloggers? Or do you really not want anyone seeing what you're looking at on your laptop? (And if that's the case, you've got more problems than this fashion statement.) You should totally make one ... it would be an awesome white elephant gift! :)

Wendi said...

It's to keep the glare of your laptop. also the is knit and not crochet.

Shannon said...

Seriously? I still don't get it? Do you have a link for it? BTW, awesome find.

SOVEREEN'S :) said...

So funny! I would bust up laughing to if I saw this in public, lol!! I love your little guy typing away on daddies laptop:)