Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Monday's Allergy Test

I don't know about you but I always get super stuffed when I go lay down on anything, especially on the side I'm laying on. The doc referred me to an allergist here in Provo and I had an appointment to go get my allergy test done. After I figured out what they do to you I was NOT at all thrilled to go. They told me a "few" needles in my back to do the testing. But come to fine out when I got there it was a whole other story, they wouldn't tell me how many they were doing just "a lot" is all they would say. I was totally freaked In fact on Sunday night I dreamed that I purposely missed the apt and had some one call in for me. But I went and 54 shots in the back and 1 and half hours later I found out I'm allergic to........ NOTHING! not a single freaking thing! I just have what everyone has but more pronounced. So there is nothing I can do about it and I will always be stuffed. I was hoping I could get this taken care of for my next pregnancy because it was so hard for me to breathe especially with a gigantic belly (Mason never dropped). So after all the scare, shots, and sleepless nights it was a waste. ha ha I'm so negative some times :P


Meg said...

Hahahaha that really sucks....I'm sorry!! Allergy stuff totally sucks cause there's still a good chance you're allergic to something just not one of those 54 things!

SOVEREEN'S :) said...

I hate allergies! I have them pretty bad too, hope they get under control soon!

Amber said...

I don't know how I missed this post, but dang! That does not sound fun!!

Sorry they didn't find out anything. 54 shots?! Brutal!
We miss you guys, too. So I was telling Aiden about the time you had him running around our ottoman like 100 times and then he layed down and fell right asleep inside the ottoman. I need you to come to Chicago to do the same thing, like every night! haha.
Miss you!