Friday, January 30, 2009

A New Job!!! WOOT WOOT!!!

The time is finally up! I got a job working at Orem Family Dental!!! yay!! and I'm going to make more than I ever have which will let Alan work less and study more on school. What a blessing paying tithing is. It couldn't of come at a better much needed time. We didn't know if any one would hire me because I am pregnant but my cousin randomly called me up knowing that I was a dental assistant but thought I still had a job was hoping that I would come work with her at her office. I went in and interviewed (you have to work for the interview) so I assisted and looked around the office to memorize where things were and he canceled all the other interviewers he had scheduled and had me come back for a couple more weeks to interview and see if I was as good as I looked he he. Well needless to say today my cousin got fired and now I'm on full time ha ha ha sad story but its just funny how it all worked out. Many many blessings Alan and I have been given lately like a baby and a new job and the help that we have received from family and friends. We thank you all for your prayers and "donations" to the rose family we have been so blessed and with out it we would of been into a lot of trouble right now. So thanks again and bless you all.


The Larsen's said...

CONGRATS Aleca on the new job! That is so awesome. Isn't it amazing how paying your tithing can bring sooooo many blessings. I am a true believer on paying tithing. How far along are you now? I'm so excited for you.

Aleca Rose said...

I am at least 11 weeks. The doc doesn't know for sure on how far along I am. So I wont know a due date until 9 more weeks :(

Blair and Cindy said...

Congrats on the job! Sucks for your cousin though. But exciting for you! We too have seen the blessings that come from paying tithing! It's wonderful! How are things with the baby?

DBA said...

Congrats on the job! How is it being preggers? It's hard for me to picture you that way. :) Hey, I was thinking...would you be interested in going on a double date with me and and my hubby? I'm not sure how busy you are with work and such...but let me know!