So I was so excited when I found out I was pregnant again with baby number 2 that I took 3 test from 2 different brands and all came out positive!! I surprised Alan with little M wearing a shirt I made that says "BIG BRO" for when he came home from a work trip. I wanted to wait to tell everybody after the 3 month mark so I new we were in the clear. But I only made it to 2 1/2 months. I started spotting on tuesday but it never stopped. We also found that little M had a rather large bump on his cute little butt cheek with a rash all on his front. We went to the doc and found that little M has an abscess the size of a quarter and if it doesn't go down by today he has to get it lanced which means to cut it open and drain it because it is so far into the tissue. On top of that he got 4 shots for his year check up. Needless to say it hasn't gone down with the meds he is on it has only gotten bigger.
The doc took an ultra sound and nothing was in my uterus. We are at a loss and so confused. Nothing really makes any since. Here are some scenarios of what could or is happening.
1) I lost the baby but never felt the pain of it
2) I never had one in the first place
3) I have another tubal pregnancy
4) I have a really early pregnancy
5) I lost the baby but also have a tubal pregnancy
1) don't you feel pain when you miscarry? 2) I don't see how 3 tests and almost 3 months of no aunt flow could be wrong. 3) If I had another tubal pregnancy I would be in so much pain and probably dead by now having a baby that big in a tube (last time it ruptured my tube at 8 weeks and I had about a day left to live with how much I bleed internally). 4) Prego tests dont even show up until your at least a month along and I had taken it 3-4 weeks ago so no early pregnancy for me. Number 5 is what we and the doc think what happened to me my last tubal/ectopic pregnancy. I bleed like a period and about a week and half later I was in surgery to remove the pregnancy in my tube.
They took my blood to check my HCG levels and scheduled for another visit at the hospital for later today so I can get another ultra sound to see blood flow and check my tubes to see if there is anything in them and take my blood again to check if the HCG level has changed.
If I do have a tubal pregnancy that means surgery. If little M's abscess doesn't go down it also means surgery. Ugggg I would just really love a normal pregnancy and delivery. No complications, no confusion. But most of you know so far that hasn't worked for me. But that's okay. This is my test in life. I know I have at least 2 babies in Heaven working hard and got saved from this world. What a blessing to know that I could give them a body so they could finish their work in Heaven. I'm a lucky girl.
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