Friday, October 16, 2009

Teachings in the Ensign

When I was pregnant we went and finally got signed up for the Ensign. I haven't been able to read it in a long time. Well we just got it and I've been so excited to get it that I've only got a few more stories to read and I'm done :( But I read an article on blogging about the gospel and how I feel about it. So that is what I've decided to do. Elder Ballard reminds us, "Every disciple of Christ will be most effective and do the most good by adopting a demeanor worthy of a follower of the Savior. Discussions focused on questioning, debating, and doubting gospel principles do little to build the kingdom of God.... There is no need to argue or contend with others regarding our beliefs. There is no need to become defensive or belligerent. Our position is solid; the Church is true."
How easy is it for us to just say, " the Church is true." Because it seems so easy for him. For me I've always struggled with containing the information that we learn in church about who did what and where in my memory that it would be hard for me to argue with some one about it and tell them which scripture says what to prove it. But I do know that in my heart that it is true. I guess the good thing about not remembering the stories in the scriptures is that every time I read it, it seems like I've just opened it up for the first time :) It is amazing how the spirit can tell show us by our feelings what is true and what isn't. The other day Alan and I were reading in the scriptures about Adam and Eve and how Heaven Father only spoke to him and non of his sons and daughters, and by the spirit he will be able to preach to his prosperity. I wonder how did some of them not believe the good but satan would speak and they would believe his every word. I hope that I will never doubt or question what I am taught.
It is amazing that Mason just came from where I want to be. He was with my other son and spoke to him. He saw my fluffy :) And he is pure. It scares me to think this world he is going to live in will try and force on him things that are not true. I'm glad that I was born in the Church and I was strong enough to "survive" the world so Mason could be born in the covenant. I'm grateful for all my family and friends that I can look up to to try and be a good mom and become a stronger person. Thank you every one that has done or said some thing to share the gospel and lift my spirit.


The Larsen's said...

Thank you for sharing your testimony Aleca. It's always needed for me to hear someone else share what I truly believe. Thanks for all that you do! You're amazing!

Colleen said...

I love your post! The church is true and such a blessing in my life as well! I love hearing your testimony and love for the gospel! What a great person you are and what a great Mom for Mason!!

Lara Family said...

Amen Sister!!! Thank you for being an example to me!

Kaylin said...

Hey I read that article too! :) Except I haven't blogged about it yet, shame on me! lol! I feel the same way about raising kids in this world, it is a little scary, but fear isn't the Lord's way, and as long as we keep our faith strong, the rest will work out just fine!

SOVEREEN'S :) said...

Hi Aleca! Your blog is so cute. I love your title picture, you look so good:) Check out my blog if you want.