I feel I just need to express every thing that I am greatful for. I have to say, NEVER PRAY TO BE HUMBLED!!!! Bad idea, Heavenly Father will get ya! But needless to say I learned the hard way ;) I have been tried and tested to the extent I think Heavenly Father knows I can go with out breaking and I've learned more about patience, humility, the joy of kids, gratitude for my husband, the joy of blessings, modern medicine and the women's reproductive system! (you would of think I would of know about that before, maybe in a class they call Health?)
Knowledge is a blessing. Because of knowledge I have delt with my current situations with a lot more ease then most. I realize that life is eternal, and today is not the end. Families are together for ever and we are blessed to continue to be close to our precious family that we knew and loved and we get to see the ones we've never met. I know that with out the knowledge of life after death right now my heart would ache for the ones I have lost.
I want to say how greatful I am for my husband. He is more than I could ever dream of. I have definetly taken him for granted and need to make up for that. In the time that I have been "down" he has wiped away my tears and cryed with me, held me close and let me know how special I am, got me up and walked me to the bathroom when I couldn't go on my own (poor guy), he held me up so i could take a shower (no baths for 2 weeks! and I couldn't stand up on my own, good luck), and listen to this....he even made food!!! I could list so much more. It made me realize what it ment when you take your vows for better or for worse. He had bypast that mark for sure! And the best part about it all, he never once complained or did it grudgingly. He ALWAYS had a smile on his face even when I knew it was hard for him to no show he was hurting so I would smile at him with my druged out face. As for my husband I love you.
I want to thank my Heavenly Father for the trials I have been through and the family and friends he put in my path to keep me above water.
Candy Jar (2018) Online-Film HD - AMAZING
5 years ago
yay, you're blogging. It sounds like you've been through a lot, but your testimony sounds strong and beautiful. And that is always such blessing. Good to hear from you!
You two are a strong couple. Stroms can make or break families. You and Alan are a great example of love and commentment.
Glad to see you're figuring out this whole blogging thing! You are such an amazing person!
Thank you for your testimony and for showing how grateful you are for the things that Our Heavenly Father has given us. You and Alan are great examples to me. Thank you for sharing that.
This is such a sweet post! You really are an amazing person!
Thanks for being so concerned about brody.
Aleca and Alan,
We wanted you to know how much we love you. I'm sorry you have been going though so much.You are strong and so is your testimony. We can't wait to see you on thanksgiving. Maybe we'll have little doughnuts.
p.s. Thanks for being concerned about Brody, with all that you have going on.
Aleca and Allen-
The Lord gives only what we can handle. He gives us these trials only to make us stronger. Have faith in Him and also in eachother its the foundation of your family. It looks to me like you have a big cement block already started. I am very glad you are doing better. I won't be down for Thanksgiving, but hope to see you in December. With all the love, Acton clan.
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